How Tight Should Skateboard Wheels Be?

How Tight Should Skateboard Wheels Be?

Your skateboard’s wheels must be tight enough to spin easily. But you don’t want the wheels to be so loose that they move on the truck’s axle.

How do I know if my skateboard wheels are loose?

Put the board on its side and flick the wheel as fast and hard as you can with one hand to see if you need to tighten the wheels.

If the wheel stops turning after a few seconds, you must free them.

You can also make skateboard wheels too tight, keeping you from getting the most speed from your board.

How long should the wheels on a skateboard spin?

How long should the wheels on a skateboard spin?
source: pexels

You don’t need to let your wheels spin easily for over two seconds. So, stand on your board and move it around for a few minutes. If the board is hard to push or stops on its own, loosen the wheels just a little.

  • If the wheels are rattling or you feel out of balance, fix each one a little. 
  • Keep trying things out until you find what feels right.
  • Keep your wheels moving easily for 10 to 20 seconds when you let go of them.
  •  You should clean your wheels and hubs if they aren’t.
  •  And if the wheels are still turning after 10 seconds, you should order a new set of Bones Reds Bearings.
  • It takes a while for new bearings to work. Don’t worry if your bearings are new and only spin for 10 seconds. Once they’re broken in, based on the brand and type, you can get them to spin for 30 seconds to a minute.

Are skateboard wheels supposed to wiggle?

It should move very slightly. When you spin it, it should keep going and stop slowly, not suddenly.

To tighten the wheels correctly, slowly tighten the nut while wiggling the wheel and trying it every few turns (and every turn once you’re close). The wheels are tight enough when they move the least while still spinning. If you tighten the nuts too much, you could hurt the bearings.


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How tight should skateboard trucks be for beginners?

How tight should skateboard trucks be for beginners?
source: pexels

If you’re starting, keep the thickness of your cars in the middle. when your skates are too loose, you could fall, which you don’t want to happen. If your skates are tight enough, you can control them well. So, you must find a careful balance anywhere in the centre to ride easily and enjoy.

How tight is the axle nut on skate wheels?

Each wheel has one 1/2-inch nut that holds it to the axle. you should tight your nuts as much as possible without stopping the wheel from spinning.

If you try to move the wheel from side to side, you should only feel a small amount of play. Sometimes a nut will work itself tighter or looser than it was set to be, and it just needs to be fixed.

How tight should the wheels on longboards be?

The suggested tightness is 2.5 times the wheel diameter per turn on an axle, but you can tighten or lose the wheel based on the type of board you have and how free it feels when rolling.

A tool which we know as a vernier calliper is used by professional riders to measure the width of longboard wheels. Looser skateboard wheels will make you feel more comfortable and stable, but you may have to push harder to get going.

The best way to find out what makes your feet feel the most relaxed is to try different arrangements and see what works best for you.


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Skateboard Maintenance for Beginners

Skateboard Maintenance for Beginners
source: pexels

Here are some best ways the maintenance of skateboards for beginners

1. A good old deck can be brought back to life with some new grip tape

  • Use a pocket knife to carefully scrape under the grip tape’s edges and free it. 
  • Then, pull all the grip tape off the deck with your hands or tools. 
  • Put a new grip tape on the deck and use your utility knife to trim the edges.
  • If removing the grip tape is hard, heat it with a hair dryer to make the glue less sticky
  • If the sides of your grip tape start to peel up, but you don’t want to replace it all yet, you can cut off the peeling parts with a pocket knife.

2. Check your board’s edges occasionally for rough spots where chips are most likely to happen

  • Place your board on its side, rough side up, on a flat surface. Sand the rough edge back and forth with reasonable pressure until it feels smooth again.
  •  Use sandpaper that has a grit number between 120 and 220. Using sandpaper with a smaller grit might remove too much stuff and warp your board.

3. Soak a nylon-bristled brush in warm, clean water and scrub the grip tape in circles

  •  Next, turn your board over and use a soft sponge and clean water to clean the bottom of the deck.
  •  Use a clean towel to dry the deck quickly and well.
  • If you want to be thorough, take the trucks off before you clean the bottom of the deck so you can clean where they connect.
  •  If you do this, wait a few hours before putting them back on the deck to ensure it’s completely dry.

4. Getting a new set of wheels for your skateboard keeps it working as you want

Look out for signs that your wheels are bad, like if they are different sizes or have flat spots

  • Use a skate tool to remove the old wheels and add a new set.
  • You can make your wheels last longer by doing more than just turning them around. 
  • Try to skate on smooth areas, and don’t do too many power slides, for example.

5. Every three months or sooner, you should turn the wheels

  • This makes sure that your skateboard’s wheels wear out evenly. This is best done after you have cleaned your bearings.
  •  Put each wheel back on the axle that is diagonal from the axle you took it off of.
  • For example, put the wheel you took off the front right axle on the back left axle.
  • If you ride daily or a lot, you might want to turn your wheels every two weeks to ensure they wear out equally.
  • It would help to turn the wheels at least once every three months.
  • This helps ensure that the wheels on your skateboard wear out at the same rate. This is best done after your joints have been cleaned.

6. Please put all the wheels back on a diagonal axle towards the axle you took off

  • For example, put the wheel you took off the right front axle on the left rear axle.
  • If you ride often or regularly, you may need to rotate your wheels at least once every two weeks to ensure they wear out evenly.
  • At least once every three months, you should turn the wheels.
  • This ensures that your skateboard’s wheels wear out at the same rate. This is most effective after you’ve cleaned your joints.

7. Place all the wheels back onto an axle parallel to the axle you took off

  • For example, put the wheel you pulled off the right front axle on the left back axle.
  • If you ride often or regularly, you may need to change your wheels at least once every two weeks to ensure they wear out equally.

8. When joints wear out, you need to get new ones

  • Over time, the bushings in the trucks of your board can wear out. Leaning on and turning on your deck is hard on them. 
  • Check the bushings often for signs of wear, such as cracks, squishing, or cracking.
  •  If you see any broken ones, you can take them off your cars by unscrewing the nuts and bolts that hold them on and replacing them with new ones.
  • Each truck has two axles, one on the top and one on the bottom. 
  • To get to the bottom bushing, you must take the truck off the kingpin, which is the centre bolt holding the truck to the baseplate.

9. Tighten the screws every few times you use it

  • Loose screws, nuts, and bolts can make skating dangerous.
  •  Use a screwdriver and a wrench after every few skate sessions to ensure that the screw-top nuts and bolts that hold your board’s trucks in place are tightened. 
  • Also, check the nuts that hold your wheels to the frames.If the wheels on your skates are loose on the hubs, for example, one of them could come off while you’re skating and make you fall.
  • Turn your wrench in small amounts when tightening your truck’s bolts—maybe a quarter turn on each side.

10. Dry out your skateboard

Moisture is bad for the deck, bearings, trucks, and nuts. If it’s raining or the ground is wet, don’t skateboard

  • Keep your skateboard dry, and if it’s raining, try to keep it covered as you take it outside.
  •  If the deck of your board gets too wet, it can get soggy and lose its natural “pop” for good.
  • Water can make your board’s nuts, hinges, and screws rust.


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Getting the right wheel tightness is important whether you buy a new set of wheels or make a new skateboard. This makes sure that your skateboard is responsive without losing speed.

Many new skaters think the best thing to do is fix their wheels as much as possible, but this worsens things.

By making sure your skateboard wheels are tight enough, you can make sure they won’t come off by accident and that they can roll quickly and easily. 


Q: How tight should the trucks on skateboards be?

The tighter your trucks must be, the bigger the transition walls should be.

Q: How tight should my wheel bolts be?

It varies on the type of car, the size of the wheels, the type of wheels (aluminium or steel), and the number of bolts. Most of the time, it is between 110 Nm and 120 Nm. If you change the wheels on your car, the rim certificate will tell you the new power numbers.

Q: How tight should I tighten my skateboard wheels?

The axle nut should look, feel, and be tight on the axle to be sure it is tight enough. The axle nut shouldn’t be able to be moved with your fingers.

Q: How tight should roller skate wheels be?

You can check how tight roller skate wheels are by spinning each one with your finger. The wheels are too tight if the wheel stops before you can count to eight. If you count to eight and the wheel stops, ensure it doesn’t move from side to side.

Video Guide About How Tight Should Skateboard Wheels Be?

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