Can You Cut Your Hand On Ice Skating?

Can You Cut Your Hand On Ice Skating?

Yes, it’s very sure that it can be the cause of damage. Even though a well-maintained ice skating blade could cut skin, cutting off fingers is not as common as people think. Most rental skates are so pointy that using them to cut off a finger would be like using a spoon.

The blade of a skate will undoubtedly cut through skin and bone. It looks almost flat if you look at the bottom of a skateblade. The blade has a small hole in the middle that makes two tiny edges on each side.

If you run your finger along the edge of a newly sharpened skate, you could cut yourself, but the blade doesn’t come to a point like most sharp things.

9 Reasons Of cut your hands on ice skating

9 Reasons Of cut your hands on ice skating
source: pexels

1- Slipping:

People often fall on the ground while skating and can injure themselves with the skating blades.

They fall and might cut their hands when they can’t keep their balance on the slippery surface.

2- Edges of blades:

The blades of ice skates are sharp, which helps them to move smoothly on the surface; if you fall, you can cut your hands with the knives.

3- How much the skater weighs:

Also important is the weight of the person using that ice skate. As a person’s weight increases, the ice skates push harder on the ground (fingers.

4- Hand movement:

Improper hand movement can cause falls. When you fall due to this, you try to be in balance and use your hands to support yourself. You can cut yourself when you touch the ground or your feet with your hands to make yourself steady.

5- How old is the person?

If ice skates fall on a child, it could be dangerous because their skin is very soft and easy to cut. On the other hand, an adult’s finger would hurt less, but it would still hurt.

6- The ice skate which they are employing:

Most of the time, newer ice skates are sharper than older ones, but skates that have just been sharpened are also very quick. How that person sharpens his skates is also important. The sharpest skates would be 0.125 inches, and the dullest would be 1 inch.

If the ice skate blade is less than 0.06 inches (usually the width of speed skates), the cut would be deeper and hurt more. The chance of getting hurt is very low if the edge is more than 0.06 inches.

7- How fast the person is moving?

How fast a skater goes can make a big difference. An ice skate might not hurt your hand when you’re not going very fast. However, the same skate can deeply cut you if you’re going very fast.

8- Banging with others:

People can crash into each other if they are in a crowded area. That might result in an injury.

9- Where Your Fingers Are?

The way your finger is on the ground makes a big difference. If only a small part of your finger or hand touches the skate, the pain will be much less than when your fingers are in a normal position.

How to avoid injury on ice skating?

How to avoid injury on ice skating?
source: pexels
  • Wear protective gear. You can avoid or lessen many skating accidents by having the right clothes and safety gear. A hockey cap and thick gloves are two examples.
  •  Learn and practice how to skate on ice to avoid falling or getting hurt.
  •  Watch your surroundings and other riders so you don’t run into them, and you can avoid cutting your fingers off ice skates.
  •  Only skate in places set aside for skating and where the ice is clean and well-kept.
  • If you tie your skates too loosely, your ankles will start to turn in as you skate. This can hurt your ankles. 
  • To make sure your skates fit well, you should tie them tighter than you think you need to. Most of the time, kids need adults’ help to tighten their skates. 
  • If you’re starting, try to avoid skating in places that are too busy and where accidents are more likely to happen.
  •  Before you begin skating, make sure you know how the ice is and if there are any risks.
  • The Canadian Red Cross says you shouldn’t slide on ice less than 20 cm thick. Be very careful around the rivers which are freeze and big bodies of water, and only let kids out on a frozen lake if you are sure it is frozen. 

How sharp are ice skates in comparison with knives?

Ice skates are very sharp but more sharp than knives or blades. This is because a knife is flat while ice skates are U-shaped, which makes the knife’s edge more brilliant while making the ice skate blades less sharp. However, ice skates can still be very dangerous when moving quickly.

The most common injuries in ice skating

The most common injuries in ice skating
source: pexels

Most figure skaters get concussions, ankle sprains, or pulled hamstrings as sudden accidents. There are also cuts. Skaters often have weak ankles from “living” in their skates, which makes them more likely to break their ankles outside of training.

Pulling your hamstrings can happen when a muscle is removed too far, like when you do a spin.

Figure skaters can also get overuse injuries, especially in the knees, hips, and back, because they move the same way repeatedly. Stress fractures can happen in the back and the knees.

  • Typical wounds
  • Head injury
  • Cuts
  • Leg cracks caused by stress
  • Back damages caused by stress
  • Backache
  • Groin ache
  • Hamstring pull
  • Patellofemoral pain disorder
  • A sprained ankle


If you are careful, ice dancing can be safe. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, and walk on ice that is thick enough. Skaters who are just starting should make sure to wear special gear to keep from getting hurt.

Learning how to fall right is another tip. When top skaters practice jumps and lifts, they don’t get hurt because they know how to fall without getting hurt. 

Skating can be risky, but it doesn’t have to be. Take care on the ice, stay safe, and have fun! 


Q: Are Ice Skates Sharp Enough to Cut You?

Most people agree that ice skates aren’t sharp enough to cut off your fingers, and you can run your fingers along the blades without worrying about getting hurt. But if they are going fast, they can cause big cuts, so it is still important to be careful.

Q: Do people often get hurt while ice skating?

Regular ice skating has been shown to help people keep their balance as they age, but it is not a risk-free exercise. About one out of every 700 ice skaters will get hurt.

Q: Can you break a bone while skating?

Fractures are less common in skating.

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