Should ice skates be tight or loose?

Should ice skates be tight or loose?

The right amount of tightness must be put on the skates. Keep the laces above your foot slack; you should be able to move your toes and slide the laces between your feet easily until you reach the three holes directly above the bend in your ankle.

Your heel has to be pushed firmly down into the heel of your boot and maintained there by those three laces at the bend of your ankle. So, lace up the remaining eyelets on your boot as loosely as possible to utilize the remaining laces, and pull the three eyelets as tightly as you can.

It would help if you had flexibility in your ankle to bend your knees and push off with your foot.

Is it better to have tight or loose skates?

Is it better to have tight or loose skates?
source: hockey tutorial

Here are some things to consider about having tight or loose skates.

Skate correctly by tying your laces

Make sure you fasten your skates properly. Correctly buckling up your laces can mean distinguishing between a good skating experience and a painful one. When tying up your skates, be sure that you tie your laces without hurting your fingers or feet.

Before tying each loop, look at pulling each loop tight with your fingers or a loop tool to ensure equal pressure. Try breaking the grip on the lace strings with wax or blister pliers rather than pulling them by hand if you’re having difficulties constantly untying knots.

Don’t pull your laces too much

You must avoid over-tightening your ice skates’ laces. Misusing the laces can raise your risk of injury by breaking or becoming loose over time.

Manufacturers of skating gear recommend tightening your skates one-half turn at a time. This provides the right amount of flexibility in the lacing system to ensure it does not hurt later while you skate.

If your skates feel tight when you first put them on, keep them that way for approximately an hour before tightening them again. You should discuss this with a skating expert If there is any doubt about how strongly you should draw the laces. It will be helpful.

Maintain your Heel Snug in the Heel Pocket

The heel pocket is important for keeping your ice skates in place. Make sure your skates fit tightly in the heel pocket so your heels won’t move around or feel loose when you lace them up. 

Remember to remove your skates and keep them correctly when you complete skating. Taking the time to do this can keep your flooring in good condition.

Also, remember to put on sunscreen before going outside – removing frost from chilly skin is not enjoyable!

When Standing on Your Skates, Get a Good Fit

When putting on your skates for the first time, make sure they fit correctly to avoid injury and pain. It’s also important to make sure that your heel sits properly over the toe plate for an ideal fit.

If your skates are tight, you may have soreness in the sides of your feet and ankles. Wearing them for an extended period before making a final selection to get a proper fit is important.

Adjusting your ice skates more than once per few minutes might hurt the sole and straps. Finally, remember that a well-fitting pair of ice skates guarantees your comfort while enjoying everything winter offers!

How do you know if ice skates are tight enough?

How do you know if ice skates are tight enough?
source: puck stop

One of your toes will likely be entirely or partially off the insoles’ edge. Your boots are not a good fit if they have little toe room at the top, little toe space at the bottom, and the third toe hanging over the insoles’ side.

No matter the brand or kind of skate, it is generally as tight as possible without being painful or uncomfortable, with room for the toes to move up and down. We swear skates stretch a LOT!

Examine Toe Fit

Checking the toe fit is an intelligent way to ensure your ice skates fit correctly. Check that the toe of your skate is tightly in the shoe, as there are no gaps in the front or rear. In other words, you should put your hand inside the shoe without feeling any gap between your toes.

Check that your ice skates don’t have any gap at the top – if you can feel any space, it’s a sign that your skates are too tight. If this is the case, you should adjust them before skating to avoid putting excessive pressure on your feet and ankles.

Examine the Space at the Very Top of Your Skates

Measuring the length at the top of your ice skates is important before buying them. Check for any extra padding sticking out of your skate boot insoles because this may create pain when skating or moving barriers.

Check your skates for zero space in the front and back.

If you want to know if your ice skates are too small, check for zero gaps in the front and rear of your skates. This is essential for solid ankle support and moving comfortably on the ice. Make sure that both sides of each boot fit securely together and that there is no space between them.

Make sure the third toe of your less dominant foot hangs out the side edge by 1-2 mm from its base for more heel support. If it hangs off too much, you may need to size up half a size.

If the ice skates are small

  • Even after being used multiple times, it continues to hurt.
  • Your feet are causing an awful cramp when you’re practicing, and there are a lot of sores on your skin.
  • Your feet should feel as if they are “pinching” you.
  • Despite the improvements, they are less comfy.

What Results Could Having too restrictive skates?

WHAT RESULTS COULD Having Too Restrictive Skates
source: fox

When a boot is too hard to bend, the ankle bones have to shift in front and behind, whereas the person wearing it turns and points their ankles. They use padding to avoid blisters because this might cause ankle discomfort.

Should skates be fitted tightly? If the laces were pulled too tightly, the ankles could not glide, flex, or point, making skating difficult.


Finally, having the proper level of tightness in your ice skates is important for a safe and comfortable skating experience. Your skates should fit tightly yet comfortably, allowing you to move freely and easily enjoy actions like stops and spins.

You can discover the right fit for your ice skates with patience and a few additional minutes, so you can go out on the ice sooner rather than later!


Q: Should ice skates be loose at the ankle?

They should be tight enough around the ankles to wrap around them but not fast enough in the toe box that you can’t get up and walk on them.

Q: How do you know if your skates are too loose?

You can create a gap behind your heel by moving your foot forward in the boot. A size up if you can put your finger toward the back of the boot and touch the bottom.

Q: What size ice skates should I buy?

Consider your height, weight, shoe size, and foot length while selecting the right ice skate size. To achieve the best fit, check a sizing chart.

Q: How long does it take for new skates to break in?

Over a month, most people will spend around 12 hours breaking into a pair of skates. Begin with small skate experiences and progress to longer skate adventures.

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